What is the RxStar Detox Elixir Shake?


The RxStar Detox Elixir Shake is truly the star of the show. It is delicious, quick, healthy and filling. It contains CLEANSE, a protein-powder formula based on plant-based protein, such as hemp, pea or rice, and it is packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to support the liver. I recommend avoiding soy and dairy based proteins because they are typically genetically modified and irradiated. The shake also contains REVIVE, a formula with nutrients that support intestinal repair, to help optimize GALT and boost nutrient absorption. Next is PROBIOTIC, a probiotic powder to help balance gut bacteria and further support immune function. GREENS, a scoop of high-quality green food powder or a cup of fresh-pressed green drink provides nutrients and enzymes that support cleansing actions. Greens contain chlorophyll which helps draw out toxins and heavy metals from the cells. FIBER, soluble fiber is added to help keep things moving and cleans out the inner walls of the GI. Lastly, organic flaxseed oil contributes omega-3 fatty acids for healthy cell membranes. Putting all these nutrients in your morning shake makes it easy to supply your body with everything it needs to detox through the day. Add some delicious berries, and/or yogurt to create a delicious smoothie that will rock your world!





RxStar Detox Elixir Shake Recipe:

  • Cleanse (1 scoop)
  • Revive (1 TB)
  • Greens (1 TB)
  • Probiotic (1/2 tsp.)
  • Fiber (1 TB)
  • Flax Oil (1 TB)



  • Mix the above ingredients into 12-16 oz. of purified water.
  • You may add 1⁄4- 1⁄2 cup of frozen organic berries or fruit.
  • Optional: You may add 1⁄2 cup of yogurt, rice milk, almond milk or coconut milk Optional: Add more fruit but beware of additional calories.



  • All smoothie ingredients should be refrigerated.
  • The smoothie is best as a meal replacement for breakfast.
  • It has nearly 20 grams of protein.
  • Take 30 minutes or more to drink this. It is a meal.



 Download the Detox Shake Recipe Here